South Africa
Dean and I are just back from another amazing trip to South Africa :) Getting to visit my family out there just makes my heart happy! We are already missing Africa and our people terribly! On our trip this year we took a ride in a plane that my great uncle built*** (it was beyond fun), we travelled to the south coast and watched whales for hours, had the most amazing safari trip, ate copious amounts of the most delicious food, drank our body weight (ok probably more) in wine and just plain enjoyed being part of the big, goofy, loving bunch that are my SA family.
Next RAD crafting plan is to build a teleporting machine so we can pop over when we please :) Janine and I can take care of the aesthetics and build but anyone know of a mad scientist that we can enlist to help with the tech stuff?
A few pics, mostly from our safari trip to the unbelievable Madikwe Game Reserve :)
***Yup, with the help of my 2 cousins, my 81 year old Uncle actually built a plane. It took six years and an insane amount of work but it's a real aircraft. Can you even imagine having goals like that at 81! He is quite literally the most inspirational human ever!