Thank you...
To all of you who gather yourselves and your tiny humans up just days after giving birth. You somehow manage to get everyone dressed and looking gorgeous - sometimes a toddler too, sometimes more than a toddler (you in particular have hearts like lions). You arrive at our studio not knowing what end of you is up because your days and nights are mixed up, your clock is now determined by your breastfeeding app and your amazing little miracle has cried all night and you don’t actually know why. Those wee critters also don’t know what end of them is up.
But you made it to RinkaDink and that will never, ever cease to impress us. For that alone, you are superhuman.
You trust us implicitly even though we only shook hands for the first time a few minutes ago. You hand that darling little sleep thief over, all the while worried that this will be the one day he won’t sleep after his big feed and your RinkaDink newborn shoot will be a bust. We assure you over and over, we got this. And you trust us again.
You are rewarded with warm caffeinated drink and a comfy seat to chill in this calm white space. You take a deep breath. You made it here. You are all dressed and looking your best. You have warm coffee in your hands for the first time in days. Your baby is sound asleep and performing like supermodel. She has never been this calm before! That NewbCube must be recreated in our home. Mental note to ask Lindsay and Janine for details on how to do that.
You looked at the Rad Newborn sessions for months before your little pickle arrived and imagined how your miracle would look in their photos. Then you gave birth to the hungriest, least sleepy child on the planet and you declared that they would be the only newborn in RinkaDink history to not sleep during their shoot. And yet, here he is, all swaddled up and wait! Did he just smile?! He actually just smiled for the camera! Little poser!
And here you are chilling out and and feeling pretty flipping proud of your little poser, smiling for the camera and tucking her wee hands under her chin like that.
We know exactly how you are feeling the day of your shoot. We know you are tired and all over the place and need this nice experience to just be easy and laid back. We will never hold you prisoner for 3/4/5 hours at RinkaDink. We will never put your baby inside containers or props. Safety is number one. We will hold them and treat them as our own and we will always keep it classy and timeless. Our newborn shoots will always be baby-led. They will always be easy for you. You will look back on the photos and recognise that that was a good day in a haze of crazy happy hormones, sleep deprivation and not knowing your arse from your elbow.
And if your toddler refuses to go home because they’ve had too much fun? Well that’s just made our week!
Just a massive thank you to all of you. We know it’s all romantic thinking about these lovely newborn photos and sometimes the reality is anything but romantic. But we’ve got this. We know this. You will be glad you chose us.
L&J x
This is Rose pranking us by pretending to be asleep then scaring us