My sweet little thug.
Drew is 9 months. That means she has now been on this earth for longer than I cooked her! That right there, blows my actual mind!! So we had ourselves a little Simply Baby shoot to celebrate.
A few updates on my sweet baby girl;
She is a thug. Like the kind you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley at night. She will legitimately rip the hair from your scalp and then just give you a wee slap with a smile to let you know who’s boss. I’m hoping it’s a sign of affection. I’m also balding. So I hope she can maybe share the affection or find another way of expressing her love soon. Or I’m going to be investing in a lot of headscarves / hats.
She says one word on repeat all day long. Dadadadadadadadadadadada. She does know other words (mama sometimes slips out when she’s sad) but 99% of the time she really likes people to know she has a dadadadadadada. Especially strangers in Marks and Spencer.
Her favourite food is cheese. Imagine how much you love your favourite food and multiply that by a factor of around 1000. That’s how much Drew loves cheese. When you put things in her bowl that aren’t cheese, for example strawberries, or god-forbid a freshly prepared omelette, she’ll very carefully fling each piece over the side of her high chair, all whilst smiling sweetly.
She has two whole teeth! And she took them like a champ! With a wee bit of help from baby nurofen ;)
She started her crawling journey by flailing herself across the floor. Imagine an injured seal pup desperately trying to get from one side of an iceberg to the other. Speed was key. Injuries be dammed. She was making it from one side of the living room rug to the other come hell or high water. She has now graduated from crawling school and get to anything she shouldn’t have in microseconds. She has gone from injured seal pup to baby Usain Bolt. It is both terrifying and heart swelling.
This shoot was so important to me. There is something completely surreal about the fact that only 9 months before this she was still in my belly. When Janine and I started this wee business of ours, we always imagined Simply Baby shoots being a really special way to mark the end of maternity leave. A way to record the end of that unbelievable time and celebrate the start of the next chapter that brings all that independence. The photos from this session make my heart so happy! The shoot was 20 minutes of me just hugging on my little thug and watching her interact with Janine. (which in itself is good for the soul!)
It makes me happy to my actual bones that this is what I do for a living! I love this little business of ours! I love the process and the product at the end of it. And I love that we get to give this feeling to other people every single day.
Oh and if you are thinking of booking a Simply Baby session check out this blog for more info and a very special offer that’s running on two dates in December
This might be my favourite photo of ALL TIME! It’s like I’m holding a tiny girl version of Dean 😂😂😂