Eight years ago I photographed their wedding and now I get to photograph their gorgeous girl Nancy. I’m so, so pleased for Gemma and Stewart and it was lovely getting to catch up on their lives since the wedding and sneak lots of snuggles with sweet little Nancy.
She was SO alert it was crazy. She looked right at me when I was taking the photos at some points.
Gemma brought some really cute coloured muslins and I loved them so much I included them in some of the shots. I love how they photographed.
Newborn diary is pretty insane right now! We are booking into November/December so, as always when I post a newborn blog, I’ll just remind you that if you want to be sure to secure a spot in the diary just email us with your due date and we’ll get that set up for you :) I do try to accommodate last minute bookings if I can but pre-booked always take priority.
She was so alert!
Milk coma face :)